GUWAHATI, OCT 11: On the occasion of the International day of the Girl Child, a national conference has been organized at the Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in collaboration with UNICEF India on Tuesday where Urmila Tanti from Bokel Tea Estate of Dibrugarh district has participated.
UNICEF has selected adolescents from various parts of India to interact with Smriti Irani, Minister of Women and Child Development, government of India on skilling on Non- Traditional Livelihood for Girls.

Urmila has been representing the girls from Assam who has got skill development training. Urmila Tanti, associates with the Adolescent’s Girls Club of Bokel T.E which was formed under ABITA-UNICEF project. She attended the weekly sessions of club every week, in one of the sessions she came to know about the skill developments and she inspired.
She understood the importance of livelihood skills and then she enrolled in a vocational course at the DDUGKY under Bokel ITI where she did a 3 (three) months diploma course on Electrical and Computer as well as Spoken English. After completing the course Urmila got an opportunity to engage herself in a LED manufacturing company in Delhi. After working for 6 months she came back to her home town.
Urmila shared her speech in the conference and told that she is interested to use her skills in Assam. She added that the skill training development centers are there in Assam but employment opportunities are less comparing to the other states of India.
The young generation people will be benefited if the job opportunities are generated in locally. She motivates the younger generations to do something exceptional in their life. She also expressed to continue her education.