Guwahati: INTACH Tripura chapter and citizens of the state of Tripura strongly condemned the use of the erstwhile Durbar Hallat Ujjayanta Place state museum for hosting of the recent G-20 summit dinner on April 3.
“Many persons are not aware but an official dinner was hosted at the Ujjayanta Palace Durbar Hall for a few top delegates. As the name indicates, the Durbar Hall was not merely a room but a historical and sacred place, and has been held dearly, is close to the people of the State and been respected for over 122 years, by one and all. It was used for the Coronation/ Installation ceremony of the Rulers of Tripurawhich were religious in nature and for important, official purposes and never entertainment or dining,” stated Pragya Deb Burman, state convenor of INTACH Tripura.

He said, “Even when the Ujjayanta Palace was used as the State Assembly building in the past, prior to becoming the State Museum, it was used for official purposes by the respected speaker. Unfortunately, the identity of the Durbar Hall is being tarnished now by the State Government and this has shocked us. On the one hand, they speak of respecting our centuries old Indian culture, the visionary Maharajas and our rich historic past but on the other hand, discrete parties are held- such hypocrisy must be known and be condemned by the people,”.
“It seems that the dinner was to be hosted in a 5 Star hotel but the authorities suddenly decided that the Durbar Hall should be used for the entertainment of the delegates. I am sharing photographs and am sure the people of the State who have respected this magnificent sanctum in the Palace will agree and voice their displeasure. The horribly placed statue where the throne used to be and gaudy dining arrangement in the Hall is insulting and shows disrespect for our Heritage and customary, religious practices and rites,” Deb Burman stated.
He further added, “I sincerely hope that this sacred space will not be converted in the future into a party or dining room and will be preserved and revered as it used to be in the past,”.
“There were plans by the Museum authorities to recreate the Durbar Hall with a replica of the Throne/ Chaturdala, for the purpose of educating our fellow citizens but with this disrespectful attitude, we fear the worst and ask the State Government of Tripura to honour our historic spaces and give it the dignity it deserves. I am sure there are several hotels and open spaces in Tripura where such events could have taken place but we must not misuse power and change the status and sacredness of certain religious and historic places,” he stated.
Deb Burman further added, “I would like to make an appeal to the Government of Tripura and their Departments to respect the sentiments of the various communities, minorities and religious customs of the people of Tripura before randomly deciding or holding of events in such historic places,”.