World Cider Day: Give your taste buds a Cider taste

Cider enthusiasts around the world clink their glasses together and make a toast to World Cider Day. Some of the health benefits of Cider are that it helps in aiding weight loss, helps in reducing cholesterol, lowers blood sugar levels, and improves the symptoms of diabetes. Apple Cider can be included in one’s daily routine as it has very less calories. Apple Ciders can be alcoholic and non-alcoholic. There are numerous Cider drinks available in the market. On this World Cider Day, we have curated a list of the best Ciders that you must try. Homing Pigeon This Cider is made from apples. It has a tart and sweet taste. It is clear and golden in colour. The aroma of the drink is apples and tarty in nature. It is a classic tart apple cider with a crisp mouthfeel and dry finish. This Apple Cider Drink is available at Independence Brewing Company. Very Strawberry It is a classic cider that is infused with strawberries. This cider is also available at Independence Brewing Company. It appears clear with pinkish-orange colour. The fruity and tarty smell would make you fresh. It tastes mild tarty and has the sweetness of a Strawberry. This cider is a good option to get refreshed. Siqera The semi-sweet with fruity and tart flavour of the cider would make you feel relaxed. It is made from apple and champagne yeast strains.

The Fuji, Golden delicious & McIntosh apple aroma would make you taste the cider instantly. It appears to be a clear and sparkling, light-amber liquid. It is made by Siquera and is available at different stores. Toit Cider This cider is available at Toit. It is brewed in-house from Apples. It appears to be sunny and clear. It has a Citrusy flavour.

We are sure the flavour and aroma would make you feel joyous. As this combination is a bit unique. Doolally Apple Cider This cider is brewed in the brewery itself. It tastes fruity, sweet, and bubbly.

It is a bit raw and sweet in taste. It is palatable in taste. It is one of the easygoing drinks available. It looks golden, fizzy, and clear. This drink gives a very pleasant time experience.

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