Putin Suffering From Parkinson’s Disease and Pancreatic Cancer, report claims

The Russian President allegedly has serious health concerns, according to reports based on stolen spy papers. There have reportedly been several rumours about Vladimir Putin’s health.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has pancreatic cancer and early-stage Parkinson’s disease as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine heats up. Putin has been observed twitching in public on several occasions. Additionally, the 70-year-old leader has appeared shaky, which has given rise to rumours that he may shortly step down from office. According to reports, Vladimir Putin is enlisting in his “private army” Russian prisoners who have hepatitis C and HIV.

As a result of Putin’s repeated absences from public engagements in the past, reports have also gained momentum. Putin purportedly has major health concerns, according to the reports, but the Kremlin has always backed its leader and denied any allegations. Leaked communications from the Russian intelligence have reportedly validated the 70-year-old leader’s cancer and Parkinson’s illness diagnoses, according to a story in.

Curiously, the exposed paper claims, “I can certify that he has early-stage Parkinson’s disease, but the condition is already advancing. This reality will be concealed and denied in every way imaginable.” The allegations acquire further traction once it was discovered that Putin recently had IV treatment scars on the back of his hand. Putin or the Kremlin have not, however, provided an official denial of the same. Vladimir Putin declares he won’t use nuclear weapons in Ukraine during the Russia-Ukraine conflict. According to the sources, Putin’s health is closely monitored and he is kept on high doses of steroids and painkiller injections to prevent the spread of pancreatic cancer. The allegations also state that Putin’s failing health is what is causing him to seem fat and puffy.

According to sources, in addition to having pancreatic cancer, Putin is also alleged to have prostate cancer. According to the source, in addition to having severe pain, Putin also experiences side effects like facial puffiness and memory loss. Since the Russian president ordered his armed troops to invade Ukraine in February of this year, there have been several allegations of Putin’s health issues.

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