Assam: Minister Pijush Hazarika warns Water Resources Engineers for slowness of work

GUWAHATI, SEP 4:   Water Resource minister Pijush Hazarika on Sunday visted the offfice of Basistha Water Resources in Guwahati and warned the engineers for their slow and sluggish in their duties and responsiblities.

Talking to media persons, Hazarika said, “We want to discuss the matter openly, without any difficulties like how they are doing their work and if they have some fresh ideas and facing any problems or something. We are forming a forum to discuss these issues and that’s why we are conducting a two-days workshop,”.

“Some are corrupted but not everyone. And that’s why the department is not becoming responsible. But we will take strict action against those who are violating the rules” he said.

Every year due to flood and erosion huge chunk of land were eroded into the river. For last several decades Assam has been facing the warath of flood and erosion.

“In this year’s flood, the engineers have also worked hard when the river banks were totally devastated. I’m not scolding them but asking them to work properly in the department,” he stated.

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